About the CS-IVR

The Canadian Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (CS-IVR) exists for the purpose of promoting philosophical reflection on legal, social and political issues, with particular attention to the interplay between these areas. It invites participation from legal and philosophical academics and practitioners. A central goal is to facilitate exchange between theoretical and practical perspectives.

One important way in which the CS-IVR works to achieve its mandate is by holding an annual conference in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Papers and commentaries for the conference are circulated beforehand, and all members are invited to participate.

Membership in the CS-IVR is unrestricted. Annual dues are $20 CDN. For more information on membership, please contact the Executive Director.

The annual meetings are conducted as follows: Papers (maximum 10,000 words) are circulated via this website, about a month before the conference. Then commentaries are circulated, with (some) participants commenting briefly on any paper or papers that interest them as they read the papers prior to the conference. Comments are circulated up to one week before the event. On the day, the writers of principle paper are given 10-15 minutes for summary, and commentators 5 minutes Each paper thus receives about half hour's discussion (more or less, depending on the number of submissions). All dues paying members are entitled to the username and password needed to view the papers and commentaries on the website. Dues, currently $20 annually, are generally paid at the annual meeting, but cheques can be mailed to Nathan Brett, Philosophy Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2.