IVR Newsletter

February 1999 - January 2000

No.24 ISSN 0256 - 937X

Honorary Presidents. Junichi Aomi (Japan), Norberto Bobbio (Italy), Arthur Kaufmann (Germany), Hermann Klenner (Germany), Miguel Reale (Mexico), Carl Wellman (USA), Arthur F. Utz (Switzerland).


February 1999 - January 2000

Nº 24 ISSN 0256 - –937X

Editor: Ricardo A. Guibourg.

IVR Web Master: Giovanni Ziccardi.

The printed issue was compiled with the help of Diego Espiga and Esteban Caffini.

IVR Newslette is published twice a year in June and December to be distributed in July and January respectively. Material to be published should be sent to the Editor by 1st June for the first issue and by 1st December for the second. This time, July 1999 issue has been skipped because the new Executive Committee took over in June 30th.

Addresses - Editor: Av. Callao 492 10 B, 1022 Buenos Aires, Argentina, tel/fax +54 11 4372 4613. E-mail: pachig@ciudad.com.ar .

Web Master: ziccardi@cirfid.unibo.it


Section One: Greetings - Foreword by the Editor; IVR President’s greeting

Section Two: IVR News - A report on the 19th IVR World Congress (New York, June 25-30, 1999); Report of IVR President Enrico Pattaro; Report of IVR Secretary General Giusella Finocchiaro; IVR Treasurer’s report; A new Permanent Decision; General Assembly; Executive Committee meeting.

Section Three: IVR Announcements - International Symposium and Executive Committee meeting in Genoa; 20th IVR World Congress (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 20-24, 2001); 21st and 22nd IVR World Congresses.

Section Four: National Sections News, Announcements and Records - Argentina; Australia; Belgium; Bulgaria; Chile; Colombia; Czech Republic; Finland; Germany; Greece; Honduras; Russia; Slovakia; Spain; Sweden; United States of America.



For four years, the IVR Newsletter, in charge of Professor Carla Faralli, has been the vehicle for the international information and served as a source from which every IVR member in the world could get the latest news of each national section. By a decision of the new IVR President, professor Eugenio Bulygin, I assume from now on this responsibility. I hope to carry it out acceptably, guided by the example of professor Faralli and with the help of all of you.

Due to the preparation of this number, I had the opportunity to get in touch with the different national sections. I requested their help (asking them to share the experience gained through all these years) and the communication of their news.

By this mean, I once more make my request to all those places where, maybe because of problems in the communications, the message could not have been received: I believe that it is desirable for all to maintain a fluid link and a constant update of all data.

I send my warm greetings to all and I thank the Secretary General, Professor Pablo López Ruf, for his vital collaboration in the preparation of the Newsletter.


The forthcoming changes of the calendar and the recent institutional changes in the IVR give me a welcome opportunity to send my warmest greetings to all individual members and to all National Sections of the IVR and to wish all of them a happy and successful New Year, a less disastrous New Century and a decent New Millennium.

I hope to be able to continue the policies and activities of the IVR developed under four outstanding presidents who preceded me in this office: Aulis Aarnio, Alice Tay, Ralf Dreier and Enrico Pattaro. Our Association has grown considerably during these years; much has been done, but there still remain many things to do. There are several countries in which legal philosophy is regularly taught at the universities and yet they have no National Section. In many countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe individual members are not able to take part in the World Congresses and other academic activities of the IVR because of the lack of an adequate financial support from their national institutions.

Another problem that the IVR must face in the near future is the fact that as a consequence of recent political and economic developments, especially in some countries that belong to the European Community, many vacant chairs of legal philosophy are occupied not by legal philosophers, but by people who teach political philosophy or law. Thus there is a serious danger that philosophy of law is no longer considered to be an essential part of the law faculties curricula.

It is a firm decision of the new authorities of the IVR, elected at the World Congress in New York, to contribute to the solution of these problems and I am sure that this policy will be continued by the authorities to be elected in 2003.

Finally I want to thank all members of the Executive Committee, the Secretary General, Prof. Pablo López Ruf, the Treasurer, Prof. Carlos Pettoruti, the new editor of Newsletter, Prof. Ricardo Guibourg and the organizer of the New York World Congress Prof. Burton Leiser for their generous cooperation. Special thanks are due to the organizers of forthcoming World Congresses: Arend Soeteman (Amsterdam 2001), Alexander Peczenik (Lund 2003) and Manuel Atienza (Spain 2005), whom I wish every success in their work.

Eugenio Bulygin



Burton M. Leiser

The nineteenth World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy took place at the campus of Pace University in New York City and at the university’s World Trade Institute in the World Trade Center during the last week of June, 1999.

The general theme of the Congress, "The Transformation of Legal Systems and Economies in an Age of Global Interdependence," was elaborated in a number of plenary and parallel sessions and working groups that will be outlined below.

The Congress opened with a gala reception at the World Trade Institute 55 floors above the streets of Manhattan, with expansive views of New York harbor and the towers of New York City, on June 24. More than 400 participants in the Congress were greeted by Dr. Patricia O’Donnell Ewers, president of the University; Professor Enrico Pattaro, President of the IVR; and Professor Burton M. Leiser, chairman of the Organizing Committee. Because of the large number of papers submitted for working groups, a number of participants plunged into their discussions on the same day. Working groups convened in the lecture halls and meeting rooms of the World Trade Institute, which also housed a book exhibit and served as general headquarters of the Congress throughout the week.

IVR business sessions took place throughout the week, with meetings of the Nominating Committee, the Executive Committee, and the Presidents of the National Sections taking place at various times during the week, culminating in the General Assembly on June 30.

Participants came from North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa—from virtually every civilized country in the world.

Some of the major scientific sessions included the following:

    • The Ethical, Legal, and Social Impact of Scientific Discovery and Technological Advances, with Michael McDonald (British Columbia), Giovanni Sartor (Ireland), Wesley Cragg (Ontario, Canada), and Ulfrid Neumann (Germany).

    • Human Rights and Group Cultural Rights, with Tom Campbell (Australia), Attracta Ingram (Ireland), Virginia Held (New York), and Rainer Bauböck (Austria).

    • The Structure of Legal Systems, with Cristina Redondo (Argentina), Gabor Halmai (Hungary), and Rolando Tamayo y Salmorán (Mexico).

    • The Communications Revolution and Computer Ethics: Artificial Intelligence, Logic, and the Law, with Deborah Johnson (Georgia, USA), Mich Kabay (Vermont), Arend Soeteman (The Netherlands), and Hajime Yoshino (Japan).

    • Pragmatism, Legal Realism, and Jurisprudence, with Enrico Pattaro, Gianfrancesco Zanetti, and Paolo Comanducci (Italy); Jes Bjarup (Sweden), and Robert C. L. Moffat (Florida).

    • Conceptions of Law, with Panu Minkkinen (Finland), Un Jong Pak (South Korea), and Werner Krawietz (Germany).

    • Women’s Rights, with James Sterba (Indiana) and Anindita Balslev (Denmark).

    • Business Ethics, with Richard T. De George (Kansas) and David Wood (Australia).

    • Constitutions and Democratic Systems, with Michel Troper (France), Tatsuo Inoue (Japan), Ricardo A. Guibourg (Argentina), and Neil Walker (United Kingdom).

    • Legal Reasoning, Legal and Moral Norms, with Joseph Raz (UK), Jeremy Waldron (New York), and Patricia Smith (New York).

    • Law and the Environment, with François Ost (Belgium), Nicholas Robinson (New York), and Ben Boer (Australia).

    • Nationalism and Regional Organizations, with Jan M. Broekman (Belgium) and Omar Dahbour (Colorado).

    • Medical Science, Biomedical Engineering, and Ethics, with Joan Callahan (Kentucky), Vilhjalmur Arnason (Iceland), and Deryck Beyleveld (UK).

    • Customary and Religious Law, with Martin Golding (North Carolina), Carla Faralli and Alessandra Facchi (Italy), Diana Meyers (Connecticut), and Ali Mazrui (New York).

    • Fundamental Legal Concepts for a Global Society, with Charles Sampford (Australia) and John Humbach (New York).

Approximately fifty working groups convened. The organizers tried to spread them out in such a way that those attending the World Congress would be able to participate in a maximum number of working groups.

It is impossible, in a brief report, to do justice to the many fine papers that were presented in plenary and parallel sessions and in working groups. We hesitate to single any out for fear of appearing to slight the fine work that was done by others of the more than 400 participants. Perhaps a quick summary of a small sample of papers, selected completely at random, will give the reader some idea of the vast range of ideas that were discussed at this World Congress.

    • Dr. Ernst M. H. Hirsch Ballin of Tilburg University, a member of the Senate of the Netherlands, discussed the concept of sovereignty in the light of historical developments and current trends. His conclusion was that because of the growing awareness of universal values and the declining importance of territorial delineation, as exemplified in the European Union, the concept of exclusive state sovereignty is in jeopardy, to be replaced, perhaps, by a relatively new form of interdependent sovereignty.

    • Christopher B. Gray of Concordia University in Montréal, Canada, discussed unilateral declarations of independence in light of the Supreme Court of Canada’s determination of the question of Quebec’s entitlement, or lack thereof, to secede from Canada unilaterally, without first obtaining the consent of the other constitutionally established provinces of the Canadian federation. Gray scrutinized the issue under the lens of the theories of O. W. Holmes, Jr., and Hans Kelsen, and concluded that the approach evidently favored by the court does not fit neatly under either theory.

    • Professor María Elósegui of the University of Zaragoza, Spain, analyzed the search for shared values in what she calls "intercultural republicanism." She attempted to construct a model that would allow for a framework of mutual tolerance of intercultural differences while preserving some kind of national or political unity. Her analysis made use of the theories of Rawls and Habermas in particular, with an emphasis on finding common ground among various moral, religious, political, and legal codes.

    • Anja Matwijkiw of the University of Chicago devoted her paper to an analysis of the concept of basic human rights as grounded in basic human needs. She argued that such rights are entitled to recognition as Hohfeldian claim-rights. She identified, as the principal opponents of her point of view, the legal realists, and joined battle against them in defending her view that the realists’ own premises should logically lead them to see the error of their ways and acknowledge the primacy of the claim rights that she argues ought to be recognized by the world community as well as by civilized states.

    • Rainer Bauböck of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna argued that members of cultural minorities are entitled, in liberal democracies, to the freedom to pursue their cultural practices so long as they do not interfere with the rights of others. At the same time, however, the polity itself depends for its existence on the establishment of a kind of civic culture that may be incompatible, in important respects, with the tenets and practices of some of the cultural minorities who live within it. Bauböck concludes that liberal neutrality alone is not capable of dealing with this difficult conundrum. It must be supplemented, he believes, by "pluralistic forms of toleration and recognition." He discussed the difficult decisions forced upon liberal democracies when large numbers of immigrants from cultures that are quite different from those that created the state demand that their cultural rights be recognized and given a weight equal to that of the founders.

    • Marietta Auer of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany, devoted her paper to the Voting Paradox, which she regards as a special case of Arrow’s General Possibility Theorem, and then turned to an analysis of the applications of the theorem, first in a number of areas of German law, and then in more general terms, as applied to law and general principles of justice.

    • Anindita N. Balslev, who is currently at the University of Copenhagen but is originally from India, reflected on women’s rights and cultural norms. New developments in this field, she argued, are leading toward a radical transformation of the entire system in which we live—socially, politically, and economically. She observed that even in advanced democracies, women have not been fully recognized under the law as "persons" until quite recently, and to some extent still lack such recognition. Drawing on her experience in India and in western democracies, she illustrated her views with vivid concrete examples, and concluded that the emancipation of women that is currently taking place in many societies is a major revolution whose significance has not yet been fully recognized.

    • Dr. Walter Ott of the Rechtswissenschaftliches Institut der Universität Zürich asked whether the practice of the German Democratic Republic (DDR) of firing upon its own citizens can properly be punished now under the law of the reunified Germany. Although the West German Constitution prohibits retroactive application of penal laws, the Federal Constitutional Court has held that East German border guards who participated in such shootings are criminally liable. In this regard, the court based its decision on G. Radbruch’s natural law doctrine. Professor Ott argues that both with respect to the punishment of Nazi war criminals and with respect to the border guards, it would have been better if the legislature had followed H. L. A. Hart’s approach—i.e., simply adopting a frankly retroactive law—rather than leaving it to the courts.

    • Juha Räikkä of the University of Turku, Finland, asks what is meant by saying that social institutions can be evaluated by their success or failure in promoting knowledge, i.e., true beliefs, among their members. After discussing the views of Alvin I. Goldman on social epistemology, he concludes that Goldman’s treatment is in need of some modifications, though he seems in general to be on the right track. He also considers the possibility that the knowledge-promoting criterion may be a less divisive way of evaluating laws and other social institutions than such traditional criteria as equality, justice, and utility.

Considerations of space and economy prevent us from expanding on these few examples in an attempt to do justice to them, much less to add others from the large number of excellent contributions that were made to the Congress. We apologize in advance to those whose fine papers cannot be mentioned here, and to those whose papers were subjected to such inadequate summaries.

The organizers arranged for walking tours of lower Manhattan, visiting Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange, the site of George Washington’s inauguration as first President of the United States, New York harbor and the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, and other landmarks. In addition, a private tour of the American Museum of Natural History was offered to participants and accompanying persons.

Prior to the close of the Congress, sessions were held for an entire day at the United Nations, with a special reception in the Delegates’ Dining Room overlooking the East River. Guided tours of the United Nations were organized for all who were interested in visiting the UN complex.

The Harmonie Ensemble, organized by Jean Newton of the Westchester Conservatory of Music, presented an evening of chamber music, highlighted by works by C.P.E. Bach and the Fifth Brandenburg Concerto of J. S. Bach. Maestro Joseph Colaneri, a conductor at the Metropolitan Opera, lectured on "Philosophy and Law in Opera," with musical illustrations by four young singers from the Mannes School of Music in Manhattan. And following the final reception at the World Trade Center, participants were treated to a performance by the United States national champion ballroom dancers.

The Congress was held during the second week of one of the hottest and driest summers in New York’s history. Despite the exceedingly hot weather, the general consensus seems to have been very favorable. Participants praised the warm hospitality that was extended to them by the faculty and staff at Pace University, and—despite the usual snafus that are expected at any large gathering—they seem to have been pleased by the scientific program, the facilities, and the entertainment.

A special note: Papers presented at the Congress are now being reviewed by the IVR publication committee. Everyone who presented a paper at the Congress is asked to send a hard copy of the revised version of his or her paper, together with a diskette, as soon as possible to the chairman of the committee:

Professor Burton M. Leiser

105 Dow Hall

Pace University

Pleasantville, New York 10510

Papers will be circulated to other members of the committee, and authors will be informed as soon as possible about plans for publication.

The deadline for submission of papers is December 15. Please let us know if you need an extension. The committee will do its best to accommodate you.

Burton M. Leiser

Pace University, New York, USA



IVR Executive Committee, New York, June 24 1999

During the year June 1998 - June 1999, the IVT Presidency kept co-ordinating the IVR Secretariat and IVR Treasury in the fulfillment of their ordinary duties (see their reports to the present E.C. meeting).

From the start of 1999, the IVR General Secretary Giusella Finocchiaro has been prevented from working for the IVR, due to a delicate surgeonical operation. During this last period, her work has been carried out by the IVR Treasurer, Dr. Annalisa Verza, whom I wish to thank very much.

On the financial side, the IVR Presidency, together with the IVR Treasurer, took care of sending reminders to all the IVR National Sections, asking them to cover their expired debts at least up to 1997. Consequently, some gaps in the payments table have been filled in.

The IVR Presidency kept in touch with the organizers of the 19th IVR Congress (New York, June 24 – 30, 1999) providing them the requested suggestions, data and addresses, and helped circulating the program and the news concerning the Congress.

In co-operation with the ARSP Board, and with the organizers of the above mentioned IVR Congresses, the IVR Presidency promoted the realization of the IVR Young Scholar Prizes 1999, in accordance with the EC and with the IVR policy, which seeks to encourage the scholarly work of young researchers on Legal and Social Philosophy.

The IVR Presidency, together with the IVR Secretariat, also took care of keeping updated the IVR database, which contains now 1441 records.

Correspondence has been re-established with three IVR National Sections (Honduras, South Africa and Venezuela) which had not kept in touch with the IVR for a long time.

In the last issue of the IVR Newsletter (issue n. 23: April 1998 – January 1999), an updated scheme of the institutional situation of the IVR National Sections has been published (notice that Austria, Finland and UK have elected new Officials after the printing of Newsletter n. 23), together with the whole corpus of the IVR rules (IVR constitution, IVR Procedural Rules, IVR Permanent Decisions 1988 – 1994).

Please, find here enclosed also the reports for the General Assembly of the IVR President, IVR Secretary, IVR Treasurer and IVR Newsletter editor-in-chief, which I submit for your approval, before to read them to the General Assembly.

Bologna, June 15 1999

Enrico Pattaro

(IVR President)


IVR General Assembly, New York, June 30, 1999

In the period 1995-1999, the IVR General Secretariat carried out the ordinary correspondence and archiviation duties. Besides, together with the IVR Presidency, the IVR Secretariat worked in co-operation, as far as concerned, with the organizers of the 18th IVR World Congress (La Plata - Buenos Aires, August 10 -15, 1997) and of the 19th IVR World Congress (New York, June 24 - 30, 1999). It also saw to it that the IVR Executive Committee could meet every year: in Lund (June 16 -17, 1996), in Buenos Aires (August 9-11-12, 1997), in Glasgow (June 27, 1998) and in New York (June, 1999).

The IVR Secretariat also co-operated with the ARSP Board and the IVR Presidency on the organization of the IVR Young Scholar Prizes connected with the two above mentioned IVR World Congresses.

The IVR Secretariat worked with particular care in order to keep in touch with the IVR National Sections, encouraging them to send to the IVR office the updated data concerning their internal organization, and also inviting them to send news and announcements to be published in the IVR Newsletter. Four IVR National Sections (namely, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Indonesia) never replied us during this term.

As a result of this effort, our updated IVR database, collecting names, addresses, telephone numbers, faxes and email addresses of IVR National Section’s officials and members has been very much enlarged, and it counts now 1441 items.

In the cover of the last IVR Newsletter (n.23, January 1999) issue it is possible to see the complete scheme of the IVR central and peripheral organization (notice that Austria, Finland and UK have elected new Officials after the printing of Newsletter n.23).

I am glad to say that, during this term, the IVR received three more IVR individual membership applications, and that a new IVR Section (Estonia) has been recently accepted in the IVR.

I wish to thank all the professors, researchers and staff I had the pleasure to work with, and in particular Prof. Pattaro, Prof. Faralli and Dr. Ziccardi. An especially warm thanks is due to Dr. Annalisa Verza, who has fulfilled my functions with treat competence for the last five months, during which I was absent due to health reasons.

Bologna, June 14th, 1999

Giusella Finocchiaro

(IVR Secretary General)


IVR Executive Committee, New York, June 24, 1999

During the last year, the IVR financial situation had a further slight improvement. Other gaps in the old fees payment were filled. For example, Argentina and Spain covered their fees debt since 1993, and Mexico paid its old dues for 1995 and 1996.

As the start of April we sent a general reminder to all the IVR National Sections and Individual Members, indicating for each of them the years (if any) we did not receive any fees payment for, by them. We asked them to cover within the start of June their debts at least up to 1997 (for 1998 dues, they have been allowed to pay within 1999), The updated situation of IVR finances can be seen on the attached scheme 1 (omissis).

We finally have received some answer also from National Sections which had not kept in touch with for a long time, like Honduras, South Africa and Venezuela. Prof. Heyns from South Africa, in particular, declared that its National Section has not been active in the last six years; he undertakes to reorganize the Section and to make it active again, but asks not to be kept to pay the fees for the past years of inactivity. The Treasury will communicate to him what the decision of the present Executive Committee on this point will be.

During the year, we have been continuing our effort to update our data on the effective number of the IVR National Sections’ members. The updated situation has been printed in the front page of the last issue (January 1999) of the IVR Newsletter.

On scheme 2 are reported the incomes/expenditures of the last year. At the date of June 15, 1999, the IVR funds are on the credit side with US$ 15.245,50

Bologna, June 15th, 1999

Annalisa Verza

(IVR Treasurer)


Reserve Fund + 11.994,63 ARSP subsidy January-June * 358,97

Dues China 137,00 Newsletter postage expenses 1.060,00

Dues Appiagiey 10,00 Stamp duty 15,08

Dues Bulgaria º 79,51 Young Scholar Prize 1.117,83

Dues Finland º 520,71 ARSP subsidy June-December * 329,98

Dues United Kingdom º 700,76

Dues Argentina º 2.190,68

Dues prof. Ma º 22,26

Dues Japan º 712,61

Dues Austria º 270,03

Dues Spain º 1.489,17

TOTAL 18.127,36 TOTAL 2.881,86

BALANCE 15.245,50


The Executive Committee, in its session of June 25, 1999, adopted a new Permanent Decision on the promotion of Legal Philosophy within Law schools. The text of the proposal is as follows.

In several countries and several areas of the world, Legal and Social Philosophy is at a turning point because of the so-called Globalisation and, inter alia, because of the new steps towards a European Community, including prospectively a number of Eastern countries.

Against this background somehow, sometimes and somewhere the risk appears that Legal and Social Philosophy, especially Legal Philosophy, are marginalized with respect to General Philosophy on the one side, and to Law on the other side. A sign of this risk is the fact that an increasing number of universities do not consider any longer the research and the teaching in Legal Philosophy essential to the legal education. This is the case both in countries (e.g. Germany), where up to now Legal Philosophy was considered an essential part of the Law faculty’s curriculum, and in countries (e.g. France), where even though some ameliorations have been attained, in comparison with the previous years, it is necessary to step further for an adequate recognition of the Legal Philosophy.

This happens while recently developing countries, in Africa and Asia for instance, are importing from United States and Europe patterns of development also in the field of Legal Studies and Education.

There is a need that IVR, as the World Association in Legal and Social Philosophy, pay a strong attention to the above sketched phenomenon.

IVR Presidency and Executive Committee, and IVR Congresses’ organizers are committed to promote activities meant to create stronger links and bridges between Legal and Social Philosophy, Law and General Philosophy in the Globalisation and Information Technology age.

This means to reinforce, instead of abandoning, the self-reflection dimension (the education to it, to its methods and values), in everybody and especially in those persons who are to be appointed to legal and social engineering tasks in the age of Globalisation and Information Technology. This means, among other things, that IVR has an important role to play in promoting Legal Philosophy as a subject of education at the Law schools, as well as in promoting continuous co-operation between philosophers and Legal scholars.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Minutes of the General Assembly of the IVR, held in New York, at Pace University Downtown Theatre, on June 30, 1999.

The General Assembly was presided by Professor Enrico Pattaro. Dr. Mauro Zamboni took the minutes.

Begin: 9.05 h

Item 1: Adoption of the agenda of the meeting

The agenda was adopted as proposed.

Item 2: Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly in Bologna 1995

The Auditors to verify the minutes of the meeting of the General Assembly in Bologna 1995, Professors Sadurski and Karlsson, had approved the minutes in writing. The General Assembly also approved the minutes.

Item 3: Election of the Recording Secretary, the Auditors to verify the minutes of the General Assembly’s meeting and Tellers to count the votes

Dr. Mauro Zamboni was elected as Recording Secretary. Dr. Nicoletta Bersier Ladavac and Professor Eric Millard were elected as Tellers to count the votes.

Item 4: Report of the President

Professor Enrico Pattaro reported (see above). He also read to the Assembly a new Permanent Decision adopted by the Executive Committee on June 25 1999 (see above). The General Assembly approved.

Item 5: Report of the Secretary General

Dr. Annalisa Verza, on behalf of the Secretary General Dr. Giusella Finocchiaro who was unable to attend the Assembly, reported (see above). The General Assembly approved.

Item 6: Report of the Treasurer

Dr. Annalisa Verza reported (see above). The General Assembly approved.

Item 7: Report of the Auditors for the IVR Finances 1995-1999 and Election of the Auditors for the IVR Finances 1999-2003

Professors Bjarup and Faralli, the Auditors of the IVR finances of the period from 1995 from 1995 to 1999, submitted a written auditors’ report. Professors Eduardo Barbarosch (Argentina) and Christopher Gray (Canada) were elected as Auditors of the IVR finances for the period from 1999 to 2003.

Item 8: Report concerning the ARSP and IVR Young Scholars Prize

Professor Sprenger reported. The General Assembly approved.

Item 9: Report concerning the IVR Newsletter

Professor Carla Faralli reported. The General Assembly approved.

Item 10: Release of the out-going Executive Committee

The out-going Executive Committee was released by the General Assembly.

Item 11: Election of the in-coming Executive Committee

Professor Enrico Pattaro reported on the preparation of the elections and read art. 7 from the Procedural Rules. The list with the names of the IVR President, Vice-Presidents and other EC members and with the proposal of a new Honorary President suggested by the IVR Nomination Committee was distributed. The list was approved by the IVR General Assembly by acclamation.

The Executive Committee 1999-2003, therefore, consists of the following persons:


Eugenio Bulygin (Argentina)


Manuel Atienza (Spain); Rex Martin (USA); Aleksander Peczenik (Sweden); Arend Soeteman (Netherlands).

Other Members:

Elspeth Attwool (UK); Brenda Baker (Canada); Alexander Bröstl (Slovakia); Tom Campbell (Australia); Paolo Comanducci (Italy); Attracta Ingram (Ireland); Tscholsu Kim (Korea); Werner Kravietz (Germany); Burton Leiser (USA); Yasutomo Morigiwa (Japan); François Ost (Belgium); Rolando Tamayo (Mexico); Michel Troper (France); Kaarlo Tuori (Finland); Marek Zirk-Sadowski (Poland).

Professor Enrico Pattaro (Italy) was elected as IVR Honorary President by acclamation.

The new IVR President Prof. E. Bulygin invited all members of the new IVR EC to an Executive Committee meeting to be held right after the conclusion of the General Assembly.

Item 12: IVR Membership fees

The General Assembly decided to leave the membership fees unchanged.

Item 13: Any other business

There was no other business.

End: 10.20 h

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING: Minutes of the Meeting held in New York on June 30, 1999.

The meeting was presided by Prof. E. Bulygin. Prof. P. López Ruf took the minutes.

Begin: 11.30 h.

Present: E. Bulygin (President), Vice-Presidents: M. Atienza, A. Peczenik, A. Soeteman. Other members: A. Bröstl, T. Campbell, P. Comanducci, W. Krawietz, B. Leiser, R. Tamayo, M. Troper, K. Tuori, M. Zirk-Sadowski. Honorary Presidents: C. Wellman and E. Pattaro.

Also present: G. Sprenger, P. López Ruf, R. Guibourg, Carla Faralli, Annalisa Verza.

Excused: R. Martin, E. Attwool, B. Baker, A. Ingram, T. Kim, Y. Morigiwa, F. Ost.

Item 1: Adoption of the Agenda of the Meeting

The proposed agenda is adopted.

Item 2: Approval by the new EC of the minutes of the Meeting of the EC in New York, June 24, 1999.

The President reads the minutes of the last meeting of the EC, which are approved.

Item 3: Composition of the Publication Committee of the acts of the XIX World Congress.

Prof. Sprenger informs that he cannot assume the responsibility of being the Secretary of the Publication Committee. After an exchange of opinions, B. Leiser and W. Krawietz arte appointed members of the Publication Committee. E. Pattaro accepts to act as a technical advisor of the Committee. The Committee will analyze the possibilities of publishing either all the papers presented at the XIX Congress or a part of them.

Item 4: Next meeting of the Executive Committee.

It is agreed that the next meeting of the EC will be held in the city of Genoa, Italy, on June 17, 18, 19 and 20, 2000. Prof. Comanducci will be in charge of arranging the facilities. It is also agreed to organize an academic symposium during the meeting of the EC.

Item 5: Situation of the South African National Section.

Prof. Pattaro informs about the reorganization of this National Section.

Item 6: Composition of the Committee of the IVR Young Scholar Prize.

It is approved that Professors M. Karlsson, A. Peczenik and R. Tamayo y Salmorán will be the members of the Committee for the Awarding of the IVR Young Scholar Prize in the XX World Congress in Amsterdam 2001.

Item 7: Appointment of the new Secretary General and Treasurer of the IVR.

Upon request of the President, the Executive Committee unanimously appoint Prof. Pablo López Ruf (University of Buenos Aires) as the Secretary General of IVR and Prof. Carlos E. Pettoruti (University of La Plata) as the Treasurer of the IVR for the term 1999-2003.

Item 8: Appointment of the new Director of Newsletter

The President communicates the appointment of Prof. Ricardo A. Guibourg (University of Buenos Aires) as the new Director of the IVR Newsletter for the term 1999-2003.

Item 9: Any other business

There is no other business.

End: 12.30 h.



In June 18th and 20th, 2000, the IVR Executive Committee will meet in Genoa, Italy, hosted by the Department of Legal Culture "Giovanni Tarello" within the University of Genoa.

In June 19-20, 2000, an International Symposium will be held in Genoa on the subject "The Legal Ought" Eight papers, already appointed, will be discussed. Informations may be obtained from Prof. Paolo Comanducci, Dipartimento di Cultura Giuridica "Giovanni Tarello", via Balbi 30, I-16126 Genoa, phone +39-0102099950, fax +39-0102099744, e-mail comanducci@csita.unige.it


The 20th IVR World Congress is to be held in Amsterdam in 2001, and its topic is "Pluralism and Law". Some subjects. (1) Justice: Human rights, Universal and local justice, Collective and minority rights, Globalizing the welfare state and pluralism; (2) The State: State, nation and world, Federalism, Relationship between international law and national law; (3) Global problems: Migration (political, economic), Development law and plurality of cultures, (4) Legal reasoning: Universal and particular aspects of legal reasoning. Legal reasoning and plurality of values, Legal expert systems.

Some organizing details. Congress venue: Amsterdam, Free University, Tuesday 20 – Saturday 24, June, 2001. Daily programme. Estimated number of participants: 600. Speakers: 12 speakers for plenary sessions; 12 speakers for semi-plenary sessions. Workshops. Number: 432 (3 papers p/hour; 12 parallel sessions; 3 hours a day; 4 days). Schedule: 9-11, plenary sessions (2 speakers); 11.30-12-30, workshops; 13.30-14.30, semi-plenary sessions (3 speakers); 14.30-16.30, workshops; 17.00-18.00, plenary session (1 speaker). Congress Dinner: Saturday. Excursions: Sunday. Organisation Committee: Arend Soeteman (President of the Committee), Tom Hol (President of the Dutch section), Roel de Lange, Cees Maris, Theo Rosier. Address: A. Soeteman, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, tel +31-20-4446252, fax +31-20-4446210, E-mail A.Soeteman@Rechten.VU.NL


The 21st IVR World Congress will be held in Lund, Sweden, in 2003. Its organization is being led by IVR Vice President Prof. Aleksander Peczenik. For next 22nd World Congress, in 2005, the city of Granada, Spain, has been offered. Its organization is being led by IVR Vice President Prof. Manuel Atienza. Further information is still to be confirmed.



(Argentine Association for Philosophy of Law)


The AAFD (Asociación Argentina de Filosofía del Derecho), which has currently 130 members, has organized several meetings since its present Board of Directors took office.

In September 11th 1998, there was a round-table about "Iusnaturalism and Juridical Positivism", where professors Eugenio Bulygin, Carlos I. Massini, Roberto J. Vernengo and Rodolfo Vigo participated as speakers. Professor Ricardo A. Guibourg was the moderator. At the end of the speeches, there was a public debate.

In April 23rd and 24th 1999, a meeting was held to get prepared for the XIX World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Its intention was to provide all the attendants with a place where their works could be tested and to give them also a chance to participate locally in the task of the international meeting. Abel J. Arístegui, Eduardo Barbarosch, Eduardo Barcesat, Norberto Berner, Miguel A. Ciuro Caldani, Patricia Elizalde, María R. Fernández Lemoine (in cooperation with José Vilanova), Carolina Gazarosian, Analía Guaraglia, Ricardo Guarinoni, Ricardo A. Guibourg, Mirna E. Insúa, Pablo López Ruf, Oscar Magistris, Alejandro Marambio, Carlos I. Massini, Renato Rabbi Baldi, Marcelo Raffin, Carolina Gazarosian and María Josefina Vasoli submitted their papers, which were discussed by the assistants

In May 14th 1999, there was another round-table under the name of "Dialogue with the Critic Theory". In that opportunity the presentations were given by professors Enrique Marí, Ricardo A. Guibourg and Julio R. Méndez. Professor Rodolfo Vigo acted as moderator. At the end, all the attendance took part in the public debate.

In October 7th, 8th and 9th 1999 was celebrated, as every year, the XIII Argentine Conference on Legal and Social Philosophy. In La Falda, Province of Córdoba, the works and proposals of the attendants were debated in depth. The invited speakers were professors Alicia E. Ruiz, Ricardo A. Caracciolo, Patricia Servato, Daniel Mendonca (from Asunción, Paraguay), Juan Cianciardo, Rolando Tamayo y Salmorán (of the Universidad Autónoma de México), Eduardo Barcesat and Olsen Ghirardi.

Nevertheless, the outstanding event of the year 1999 was the XIX World Congress held in New York City, where a wide Argentine delegation took part. It is to highlight that one of the members of the AAFD, professor Jorge Rodríguez, was distinguished with the IVR Young Scholar Prize. And, of course, the Argentine National Section has received with great satisfaction the election of Professor Eugenio Bulygin as the new IVR President.

In November 26th 1999, Professor José Vilanova passed away. He was a very respected professor of the University of Buenos Aires and a member of the AAFD. Vilanova, disciple of Carlos Cossio and spreader, in his own version, of the Egologic Theory, taught several generations through his teaching at the University and his publications.


In April 28th of the year 2000 there will be a new round-table with public debate over the subject matter "Interpretation and Argumentation". The AAFD will make sure that all the different streams of thought of Philosophy of Law will be represented in this event.

The XIV Argentine Conference of Juridical and Social Philosophy will be held in the city of Mar del Plata in October 26 – 28, 2000.


From June 1998, the Board of Directors of the AAFD is composed by:

President: Ricardo A. Guibourg

Vice president: Rodolfo L. Vigo

Secretary: Pablo López Ruf

Treasurer: Eduardo Barbarosch

Other members: Ariel Álvarez Gardiol, Abel J. Arístegui, Eugenio Bulygin, Carlos Cárcova, Julio C. Cueto Rúa, José R. Chirico, Miguel A. Ciuro Caldani, Carlos I. Massini, Ricardo V. Guarinoni, Julio R. Méndez and Mario Portela.

Board surrogates: Eduardo Barcesat, Ana Castro de Cabanillas, Luis López Taiana and Renato Rabbi Baldi.

Accounts reviewers: Carlos M. Fernández and Eloy E. Suárez.



In 1999 the Australian Society of Legal Philosopy (ASLP) relocated from the University of Queensland to the Australian National University.

The Society continues to publish the Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy (AJLP, formerly the Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy) and has a membership of about 140 individuals and institutions.

The highly successful 1999 annual conference of the ASLP was held in April on two themes: legal reasoning and tort law theory. The keynote speaker was Professor David Lyons (Boston). In August, the ASLP co-sponsored the inaugural conference and launch of the Julius Stone Institute of Jurisprudence at the University of Sydney. The proceedings of the conference (the theme of which was constitutional theory and reform) will be published as a special issue of the AJLP (volume 24 of which appeared in September 1999).


The 2000 Annual Conference will be held in Canberra 28-30 April on the themes of Dissenting Jurisprudence and Criminal Law Theory. The keynote speaker will be Professor Nicola Lacey (London School of Economics).

The Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy welcomes submissions from IVR members. These should be sent to: "Professor Tom Campbell, Editor AJLP, Faculty of Law, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia."


The members of the executive committee of the ASLP for 1999-2000 are Professor Tom Campbell (President, Australian National University), Professor Peter Cane (Secretary and Treasurer, Australian National University), Mr. Mark Burton (University of Canberra), Professor Hilary Charlesworth (Australian National University), Professor Michael Smith (Australian National University) and Ms Adrienne Stone (Australian National University).


Professor Peter Cane

Head, Law Program

Research School of Social Sciences

Australian National University

Canberra ACT 0200 Tel: +61 2 6249 4162

Australia Fax: +61 2 6249 4933

Law Program Website: http://lawrsss.anu.edu.au/



News about IVR Belgian national section concern the Master’s Course in Legal Theory, offered since 1992 by the European Academy of Legal Theory. Annually some 25 to 30 students, from all over the world, but mainly from Europe, are attending this course. This master’s programme is unique in that it offers a range of subject matters in the broad field of legal theory, with an interdisciplinary approach. The purpose is to offer a critical review of the most important current disciplines, trends and paradigms in legal theory in a broad sense, and to relate those to the construction of Europe.

The academic year is divided into three terms. Courses and seminars are taught in English and French, by eminent specialists from all over Europe, during the first two terms (October-December and January-March). During the third term (April-August) students are required to write a paper, with the opportunity to stay at one of the universities or research centres of the European network of the Academy.

Candidates have to submit their application on the provided forms, preferably before April 15th.


Prof.dr. Mark VAN HOECKE, rechtsfaculteit, Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Vrijheidslaan 17, B-1081 Brussels (tel.+32/2/412.42.11; fax:+32/2/412.42.00; e-mail: Mark.VanHoecke@kubrussel.ac.be)

Prof.dr. François OST, faculté de droit, Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, Boulevard du Jardin botanique 43, B-1000 Brussels (tel.+32/2/211.78.11; fax:+32/2/211.79.97; e-mail: ost@fusl.ac.be)

website: http://www.ealt.be/ealt or http://home.freegates.be/legaltheory


Benoît Frydman, Secretary

Maître de Conférences – U.L.B.

Centre de Philosophie du Droit – CP 132

50 av. F.D.Roosevelt – B-1050 Bruxelles

Fax +32.2.650.40.07



Some moments of the scientific work of Bulgarian IVR section.

1. Round table on the topic "New Aspects of Sources of Law": Sofia, December 1998. Different papers related to the sources of law as well as to the problems of legal systems, legal language and legal interpretation have been presented.

2. Colloquium celebrating the 100th anniversary of prof. Tseko Torbov, one of the most famous Bulgarian legal philosophers: April 1999, Sofia University.

3. Academic meeting with the participation of prof. Michel Troper, University Paris X, who presented the edition of his book "Pour une théorie juridique de l'Etat" in Bulgarian language: May 1999, Sofia University.


Neno Nenovsky, The Constitutional Right of Protection, 1998

Valentin Gueorguiev, Relationships in Public Law, 1998

Daniel Valtchev, Studies on History of European legal philosophy, 1999


The Executive committee of the Bulgarian national section remains as follows:

President: Neno Nenovsky, Institute for Legal Research, Bulgarian Academy.

Vice-president: Gueorgui Boytchev, Sofia University.

Secretary: Daniel Valtchev, Sofia University.

Treasurer: Valentin Gueorguiev, Institute for Legal Research, Bulgarian Academy.


Dr. Daniel Valtchev

Secretary of Bulgarian Association

for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

Sofia University, Law Faculty

15 Blvd. Tzar Osvoboditel

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

tel./fax +359 2 986 5355

+359 2 986 2595

e-mail av@omega.bg


(Chilean Society for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy)


The Chilean Society for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, in August 1999, submitted the number 16 of the Annuary of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. This text, corresponding to the year 1998, is given the title "The law as a science and a profession", and reproduces the written version of the lectures which were given over that subject matter in the Third Chilean Conference of Philosophy of Law.

Those interested in obtaining a sample of this text can request it to the President of the Chilean Section, Casilla 3325, correo 3, Valparaíso, Chile.


Number 17 of the Annuary of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy is under preparation. The release of this volume is expected for March 2000.

Those interested in collaborating in the numbers to come of the Annuary of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy can send their works to Casilla 3325, correo 3, Valparaíso, Chile.


The National Section of Chile is presided by Agustín Squella.


Agustín Squella, President

Casilla 211 – V Valparaíso - Chile


(Colombian Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy).


A very important event was the meeting held the past September 14, which counted with the assistance of professors of Philosophy of Law coming from the different Universities of Bogotá. In the meeting was released the new Spanish edition of the text "Philosophy of Law", of the Professor Arthur Kaufmann, Honorary President of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, book edited by the University Externado of Colombia, with translation by Professors Luis Villar Borda and Ana Maria Montoya.

In the city of Barranquilla, during this semester, the University of the Atlantic has advanced a Seminar about Ethics and Politics. It was organized by a member of our Society, Numas Armando Gil, and counted with the attendance of national and foreign professors as well as numerous public.


The Authorities of the Colombian Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy are as follows: Luis Villar Borda, President; Hernán Ortiz Rival, Secretary.


Luis Villar Borda, President, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Calle 121-17 Este, telefax 342 2040 ext. 1060.



President: JUDr. Jirí Klabouch, DrSc.

Vicepresident: Doc. JUDr. Milo- Vecera, CSc.

Secretary: JUDr. Frantiek Novák, CSc.


Frantiek Novák



(Suomen oikeusfilosofinen yhdistys SOFY ry)


In may 1999, the yearly national seminar on Justice, Law and Society took place in Helsinki. The Finnish national section of IVR has organized a monthly seminar on the law and philosophy with lectures on Michel Foucault's legal philosophy and Gianni Vattimo's legal philosophy and Peter Goodrich's "Oedipus lex". During the fall, the series of lectures has continued with the Justice, Law and Society subjects. In November 1999, the national section has organized a seminar on police ethics with lectures by professor Seumas Miller, from Australia.


Current officials: President: Heta Gylling, Vice-president: Kimmo Nuotio, Secretary: Kaisa Mäkelä, Members of the board: Jussi Kotkavirta, Kevät Nousiainen, Juha Pöyhönen, Juha Räikkä, Hannu Tolonen, Jarkko Tontti. Honorary President: Aulis Aarnio.


Kaisa Mäkelä, Secretary




The next conference of the German section will take place on Sept. 22-23, 2000, at Heidelberg, organized by Prof. W. Brugger / G. Haverkate. The general subject is "Limits as Subject of Legal and Social Philosophy". Speakers are R. Forst, M. Kaufmann, U. Wolf, N. Hoerster, U. Di Fabio, M. La Torre, E. Denninger, J. Isensee, J. Taupitz, T. Gutmann, N. Horn and M. Kettner. For further information see: http://ivr-2000.uni-hd.de.

The 7. conference of the „Junges Forum Rechtsphilosophie" will also take place in Heidelberg, Sept. 20-21, 1999. For information write to: Anderheiden@jura.jurs.uni-heidelberg.de.


U. Baltzer, Gemeinschaftshandeln. Ontologische Grundlagen einer Ethik sozialen Handelns, Freiburg 1999; H. Bielefeldt, Philosophie der Menschenrechte, Darmstadt 1998; W. Brugger, Liberalismus, Pluralismus, Kommunitarismus, Studien zur Legitimation des Grundgesetzes, Baden-Baden 1999; E. Buchholz-Schuster, Rechtsphilosophische Legitimation der Rechts-praxis nach Systemwechseln, Berlin 1998; G.-P. Calliess, Prozedurales Recht, Nomos 1999; A. Fishahn, Natur – Mensch – Recht. Elemente einer Theorie der Rechtsbefolgung, Berlin 1999; E. Hilgendorf, Tatsachenaussagen und Werturteile im Strafrecht entwickelt am Beispiel des Betrugs und der Beleidigung, Berlin 1999; O. Höffe, Demokratie im Zeitalter der Globalisierung, München 1999; A. Kaufmann, Das Verfahren der Rechtsverwirklichung – Eine rationale Analyse, München 1999; A. Kaufmann, Filosofía Del Derecho, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá 1999; E.-J. Lampe, Strafphilosophie: Studien zur Strafgerechtigkeit, Köln ua. 1999; J. Lege, Pragmatismus und Jurisprudenz. Über die Philosophie des Charles Sanders Peirce und über das Verhältnis von Logik, Wertung und Kreativität im Recht, Tübingen 1999; A. Krebs, Ethics of Nature. A map, Berlin 1999; M.-S. Lotter (Hg.), Normbegründung und Normentwicklung in Gesellschaft und Recht, Baden-Baden 1999; G. Lübbe-Wolff, Recht und Moral im Umweltschutz, Baden-Baden 1999; M. Mahlmann, Rationalismus in der praktischen Theorie. Normentheorie und praktische Kompetenz, Baden-Baden 1999; N. Luhmann, Ausdifferenzierung des Rechts. Beiträge zur Rechtsontologie und Rechtstheorie, Frankfurt/Main 1999; U. Neumann / L. Schulz (Hrsg.), Verantwortung zwischen Recht und Moral. Referate der Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie vom 2. bis zum 3. Okt. 1998 in Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart 2000 (ARSP-Beiheft 74); B. Rüthers, Rechtstheorie, München 1999; K. Seidel, Rechtsphilosophische Aspekte der "Mauerschützen"-Prozesse, 1999; Steffen Wesche / Veronique Zanetti (Hg.), Dworkin in der Diskussion - Debating Dworkin, Paderborn / Bruessel 1999.


Executives of the German section of the IVR (elected Oct. 1, 1998) are:

Ulfrid Neumann (President), Institut für Kriminalwissenschaften und Rechtsphilosophie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Senckenberganlage 31-33, D-60054 Frankfurt/Main, tel. 069-798- 22921/2, fax 069/798-22204; e-mail: U.Neumann@jur.uni-frankfurt.de.

Lorenz Schulz (Vice-President and Treasurer), same address; e-mail: L.Schulz@jur.uni-frankfurt.de


PD Dr. Lorenz Schulz

Vice-President and Treasurer.


(The Greek Society for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy)


May, 1999: Symposium on "Democracy and united Europe" (lectures by Prof. E. Dufour, Prof. St. Panou, Prof. G. Konstas, P. Rufini, Dr. A. Nicolaou).

October, 1999: Lecture: "Europe and Human Rights", by Prof. St. Panou.

October, 1999: Panel discussion on "Justice and law" (Prof. St. Panou, Prof. N. Nicolaidis, Dr. K. Antoniou, Prof. Th. Pappas.


K. Despotopoulos: Justice in Plato (in Greek), Athens, 1999.

Prof. St. Panou: Dialectics and History, Athens, 1998.

Prof. St. Panou: An introduction to Social Philosophy, Athens, 1999.

Dr. N. Philipidis: Sociology of Law, Athens, 1999.

K. Nastos: Man, Law and Society, Athens, 1998.


Dr. Nicolas Philipidis

P. Kalliga 21-23, 114 73 Athens

Tel. +30 1 64 23 270



The Honduran national section of IVR supported the Iberoamerican Ombudsmen Federation (FIO) IV Congress, held in Tegucigalpa on September 27th to 29th, 1999. Its national President and National Commissioner for Human Rights, Dr. Leo Valladares Lanza, was elected as FIO President. The national section Secretary, Rafael López Murcia, acted as general spokesman of the event.

In September 1999, the national section supported, too, the organization of the Universitary Postgrade in Human Rights within the Honduras National University. Its purpose is to distribute law philosophy texts and to hold lectures by national and foreign experts.

Some members of the national section became members of the Honduran Academic Network for Human Rights. The role of human rights within democracy and Rule of Law are main subjects of this institutional coordination.

An extraordinary Assembly will be held in January 2000, in order to elect a new Board and to plan future activities.


Rafael López Murcia





This is a list of the most important events, problems discussed and publications in the Russian Section during 1998-1999.

  1. The main events:

  • May 18th. 1999. Workshop on the problems of modern evolution of the state service theories. The problem is presenting not only academic interest as the reform of state service in Russia is really needed. The presentation was made by A. Obolonsky and discussion followed. Modern state service systems all over the world have been discussed and some practical ideas concerning Russia expressed. Russian section members and other scholars from Moscow region participated.

  • February 17th, 1999. Workshop at the Institute of State & Law on the principles of administration in connection with models of division of powers. Presentation made by V. Levansky with the discussion following. The modern technologies connected with digital society discussed taking that Russia face the 2000 century with lacking computer technologies at the local levels of administration. Russian section members and other scholars from Moscow region participated.

  • April 19th, 1999. Interdisciplinary workshop at the Institute of State & Law devoted to the problems of Juridical politology. The presentation made by V. Smirnov. The discussion followed that dealt with the specifying subject of the juridical politology and its place within the frames of the general politology. Specific tools and methods of juridical politology also discussed.

  1. Main schools and sectors of research as they are presented now in the Russian Section:

  • Russian and Foreign legal philosophy including legal philosophy development in the post-Soviet Russia. (See the list of publications).

  • The research in the field of the law-based state. The group of scholars (V. Nersessiantz, L. Mamout, V. Grafsky, L. Lapteva) have completed researchs trying to look both at the general frames that are given by the law-based state as an idea at the theoretical level and also at the practical outputs that can be reached in Russia if the idea is followed. How to reach the quality of law-based state in Russia? Is it possible at all? Which are the alternative means of social regulation? All these questions are of great importance in the modern Russia. The work is to be published in 2000.

  • Political and legal values. This means the researchers are trying to find new approaches to the legal axiology. Both comparative historic and comparative legal approaches are used. The book is written by a group of researchers under the leadership of professor Nersessiantz. It is to be published in early 2000.


  • V. Nersessiantz. The Hegel’s Legal Philosophy. Moscow, 1998.

  • V. Nersessiantz. The Legal Philosophy. Moscow, 1997.

  • V. Nersessiantz. Socrat. Moscow, 1997.

  • V. Nersessiantz. Jurisprudence in Russia. Introduction to the General Theory of Law and State. Moscow, 1999.

  • Norbert Rouland. The Juridical Anthropology. Moscow, 1999. Translated from French. Edited and with Introduction by V. Nersessiantz.

  • V. Nersessiantz, L. Mamout, V. Grafsky, etc. History of Legal and Political Ideas. Moscow, 1997.

  • Problems of the General Theory of Law and State. Edited by V. Nersessiantz. Moscow. 1999.


The list of the Russian Section participants including regional sections has not been changed.


Dr. Lyudmila Lapteva

Institute of State and Law

Russian Academy of Sciences

Znamonka, 10




Main activities of the members of the Slovak IVR Section during 1999 have been connected with:

- drafting changes and amendments of the Slovak Constitution and taking part in round table discussions (especially March and November 1999);

- taking part in an international conference Human Rights and Legal Status on the Edge of the 3rd Millennium (almost all the registered members) in Slovakia, Piestany, April 27-29, 1999;

- preparing an Academic meeting in spring/ summer 2000 in connection with the coming IVR World Congress in Amsterdam 2001;

- conference on Abuse of Law in autumn 2000.


No changes in the Board:

President: Alexander Bröstl, Faculty of Law Kosice, Kovacska 30, 040 01 Kosice, Slovakia.

E-mail address (best way to communicate via home address): brostl@dodo.sk

Vice-President: Jozef Prusak, Faculty of Law Bratislava, Safarikovo nam.6, 818 06 Bratislava.

There will be soon an other possibility to reach him at a new address:

Faculty of Law Trnava, Hornopotocna 23, 918 43 Trnava


Alexander Bröstl

IVR Executive Committee-member & President of the Slovakian IVR Section


(Spanish Society for Legal and Political Philosophy (SEFJP)


On April 15-16 1999 took place in Valencia the XVII Conference organized by the Spanish Section of the IVR, with the participation as speakers of José I. Lacasta, Juan A. García-Amado, Juan R. Páramo and M. Saavedra.

Together to Anuario de Filosofía del Derecho, since 1998 there is a second review edited by the SEFJP: Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho, an electronic review whose editor in chief is Javier de Lucas.


From October 1999 to June 2000 will be held the Master on Fundamental Rights (Institute of Human Rights Bartolomé de las Casas, Madrid), coordinated by the Department of Legal Philosophy of the University Carlos III (Madrid). From October to December 1999 will be held the I Master on Human Rights (International University of Andalucía, La Rábida, Huelva), coordinated by the Departments of Legal Philosophy of the University of Huelva and the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville).


At the general meeting of the Spanish Society for Legal and Political Philosophy (SEFJP, Spanish section of the IVR), on April15-16 1999 at Valencia, the following executives were elected: Benito de Castro (President), M. Eugenia Gayo (Treasurer), Javier Ansuátegui (Secretary), Francesca Puigpelat, Juan A. García-Amado, Marina Gascón, M. José Agra, Manuel Calvo and Carlos Alarcón Cabrera.


Prof. Carlos Alarcón Cabrera




The Swedish Section is very little: only about twenty members. There has been no academic meetings or other activities during 1999.


The Executive Board of the Swedish Section has the following composition:

Chairman: Åke Frändberg, Professor of Law, Uppsala University, Department of

Law, Box 512, 751 20 Uppsala (ake.frandberg@jur.uu.se)

Treasurer & Secretary: Torben Spaak, Associate Professor of Law, Uppsala

University, Department of Law, Box 512, 751 20 Uppsala (torbens@jur.uu.se)


Torben Spaak

Uppsala University





In June, 1999, the XIX IVR World Congress was held in New York, hosted by Pace University and organized by Prof. Burton M. Leiser. Further information on this main event can be found on Prof. Leiser’s report, published on this same issue of IVR Newsletter.

On March 9-11, 2000, an AMINTAPHIL meeting will be held in San Diego on the theme "Justice and the global economy"

On April 13-16, 2000, the Fourteenth Roundtable on Law and Semiotics will be held in Amherst, MA, on the subject "The Color of Law".


Anita L. Allen-Castellito (Law, University of Pennsylvania) and Richard C. Turkington (Law, Villanova University) have published a new coursebook Privacy Law: Cases and Materials, West Publishing Co., July 1999.

Randy Barnett (Law, Boston Univ.) has published The Structure of Liberty, Oxford, 1998.

John H. Garvey (Dean of Law, Boston College) has published (with Alexander Aleinikoff) Modern Constitutional Theory: A Reader, 4th ed. West Publishing, 1999.



The 1999-2000 Executive Committee of the American Section of the IVR


President: Patricia Smith (Philosophy, Baruch)

Vice Pres: Lawrence Solum (Law, Loyola Marymount)

Past Pres: Larry Alexander (Law, San Diego)

IVR Reps: Rex Martin/Burton Leiser

At-large: Joan McGregor (Philosophy, Arizona State)

At-large: Richard Nunan (Philosophy, Charleston)

Program Chair: Carol Gould (Philosophy, Stevens Inst.)

Nominations Chair: Burce Landesman (Philosophy, Utah)

Publications Chair: Jonathon Schonshek (Philosophy, LeMoyne)

Membership Chair: Robert Moffat (Law, Florida)

Executive Director: Ken Kipnis (Philosophy, Hawaii)



Ken Kipnis

Executive Director





Honorary Presidents: Junichi Aomi (Japan), Norberto Bobbio (Italy), Arthur Kaufmann (Germany), Hermann Klenner (Germany), Enrico Pattaro (Italy), Miguel Reale (Brazil), Carl Wellman (USA), Arthur F. Utz (Switzerland)

President: Eugenio Bulygin (Argentina).

Vice-Presidents: Manuel Atienza (Spain); Rex Martin (USA); Aleksander Peczenik (Sweden); Arend Soeteman (Netherlands).

Other Members: Elspeth Attwool (UK); Brenda Baker (Canada); Alexander Bröstl (Slovakia); Tom Campbell (Australia); Paolo Comanducci (Italy); Attracta Ingram (Ireland); Tscholsu Kim (Korea); Werner Kravietz (Germany); Burton Leiser (USA); Yasutomo Morigiwa (Japan); François Ost (Belgium); Rolando Tamayo (Mexico); Michel Troper (France); Kaarlo Tuori (Finland); Marek Zirk-Sadowski (Poland).

Secretary General: Pablo López Ruf (Argentina). Treasurer: Carlos E. Pettoruti (Argentina).

  • Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie Editor: Werner Maihofer (Germany). IVR Newsletter Editor: Ricardo A. Guibourg (Argentina). IVR Webmaster: Giovanni Ziccardi (Italy).